Let's Connect
Got an idea to share, a creative project in mind, or just want to say hello? You're in the right place.
The form adjacent is your direct gateway to my inbox. I'm always open to discussions about potential collaborations, writing opportunities, speaking engagements, or any topic you're passionate about.
Collaboration Information
My rate is 50€ per hour, but my focus is actually on other projects and I'm not actively seeking new freelance work.
Speaking and Writing
I am available to share my thoughts and experiences on a variety of topics such as communications, organic development, or any other theme mentioned on my About page and Work collection.
Advice and Guidance
If you're looking for advice on design, iPad illustration, digital content creation or any other subject, feel free to reach out. I'd be happy to share my knowledge and experience.
And if you have specific questions or need advice on other subjects, don't hesitate to get in touch. I'm here to help and engage with you.
Thank you for reaching out, I will get back to you as soon as possible.